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CCPG Awards
The Chicago Council on Planned Giving is now accepting nominations for its two annual awards, the Russell V. Kohr Award and the Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award. Nominations are due Friday, March 21.
The Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award
The Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award is presented most years to a person who is recognized for providing extraordinary service on behalf of the Chicago Council on Planned Giving. The award was named in 2010 in honor of Jon Heintzelman who was the first President of CCPG when it was formed in 1980. Jon, who is a graduate of North Park University and Northwestern University School of Law, was Director of Planned Giving at Northwestern University for over two decades, then became Acting Vice President of Development at Northwestern before being named as Vice President of Advancement at Loyola University and now is now the Executive Director at Ter Molen Watkins & Brandt. In addition to running outstandingly successful programs at Northwestern and Loyola, Jon has contributed his talents to CCPG for many decades as a respected leader in the planned giving profession and as a frequent presenter of many luncheon and symposium programs. He is considered a true leader among development and planned giving professionals and his name reflects well upon those people who are selected as awardees of the Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award.
CLICK HERE to complete the nomination form for the Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award. The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, March 21, 2025.
2024 Jonathan Heintzelman Service Award Recipient
Katrina M. Pipasts, CSPG, Senior Vice President, Director of Planned Giving Services, Foundation & Institutional Advisors, Northern Trust
The people to date who have received the CCPG Service Award are:
The Russell V. Kohr Award
In most years the Chicago Council on Planned Giving recognizes and honors a respected leader in the planned giving field from the Chicago area. These are people who are respected as mentors to others and have been noted and accomplished professionals to whom others seek counsel and wisdom.
The Award is named for Russell V. Kohr, the founder of the planned giving program at Ravinia Festival, and who managed that successful program for two decades. Through his talents and skills, Russ made possible the creation of the Steans Institute for Young Artists at Ravinia. Russ was the oldest member of CCPG when he retired from Ravinia in 2003 at the age of eighty-three. He died shortly thereafter.
Russ had many years in fundraising following his graduation from Northwestern University and his service in the Navy during World War II where he served with distinction in the Pacific theatre. Most of his professional years were in higher education until he came to Ravinia in 1983. He received the Alumni Merit Award from Northwestern in 1971 in recognition of his accomplishments in the development profession. He was a gentle soul and a thoughtful, innovative, dignified and very effective leader in the planned giving profession.
CLICK HERE to complete the nomination form for the Russell V. Kohr Award. The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, March 21, 2025.
The people to date who have received the Russell V. Kohr Award are: